Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bike Ride 3 - before flag-off

Tying to pose them for a photograph before we set off.

Everybody's got something to say and it was a chore getting them to stay still and smile so that I could take the shot.

Then, a jogger came along and kindly offerred to take our photo.

Instant order and big smiles ..... because jogger was female, young, attractive!

Here's a great shot ! and a lucky break for me.

She even suggested that we pose on the other side of the track so as to get the sea as background; and look what happened ... ..

Running around spinning bikes around, and EngSeong was first at the ready.

And here we are, all happy and ready to go.

1 comment:

Misty Blue said...

great sportsmen. good pictures.
ken weeteck