So here we were on the Tampines Connector, heading for Bedok Reservoir Park.
So shouldn't we be turning right here where the sign tells us that that little track is the Tampines Connector? just as we HAD to turn left at THIS SIGN?
The TC is a pleasant stretch with lush planting that is well maintained.
You can take your bearings from this bicycle (that is missing its front wheel) chained to a PCN lamp pole. It's been there for some years going by its rusted condition.
And here's another piece of PCN signage. It's newer since it's got two wheels.
Approaching this ramp-cum-staircase, it's obvious that cyclists use the ramp and pedestrians and joggers can use either ramp or steps.
However, the "shoes" sign indicates that walkers and joggers use ONLY the stairs, and it looks like they have to go up the stairs BACKWARDS!
Going through Tampines Town had its hazards ie mainly pedestrians and other cyclists who seemed like they had never been to school and taught how to use footpaths, cycle paths or common-user paths. Or don't they teach such things in schools nowadays?
But this big lorry took the cake. Enraged, EngSeong tried but couldn't get through to Mah Bow Tan who heads the GRC here.
The guy on the phone looks like Mah Bow Tan himself.
Thanks KY for a really enjoyable time. I had apprehension of my fitness on the 2nd ride, but after that was confident on the 3rd which was just as well as it was tougher than the 2nd. For those who fear, like BP and CK, it is not that difficult and we have 2 backups, Andy and Gomez to fetch anyone who wants to "give up". So for the 4th ride, we should have more GBs cycling.
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