Monday, March 31, 2008

Bike Ride 3 - Bedok Park Connector

Here we are on the Bedok Park Connector which links Bedok Reservoir Park to East Coast Park. As we were cycling from BRP to ECP, wouldn't it be more apt if this were called the East Coast Park Connector? Or were we supposed to cycle in the opposite direction in order for the names to be meaningful?

Anyhow, that's the Bedok Canal we're cycling along. It was clean everywhere - the cycle track, the green verges, the water. It was high tide and the water was clean and clear.

Rest shelter for aching muscles and some shade from the hot mid-day sun. Looks good enough as a rain shelter too.

But what are those two upside down 'U's for? And are they located well? They are on the cycle track, aren't they ie in the way of cyclists?

Here's something new. A 'no cycling' sign - with the NParks logo, and on an overhead pedestrian bridge. Aren't these structures under the purview of the Land Transport Authority? So which is the prosecuting authority?

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