Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Tip on Training people

This old man is attempting to post something. I'm so square. The topic is sooo dry. I'll do something more interesting the next time. Anyway, let me share on first tip on training people:

Tell them "what to do."
Emphasise on the DOs
Forget about the DON'Ts _ Don't have to mention them.
This is the mistake many people make. They keep on telling, "Don't do this, Don't do that" If you don't want them to do this or that, then do what? We don't emphasise the DOs.

Example I saw at a Kindergarten. Children drew pictures and wrote simple slogans.
They wrote, "Don't Shout'; "Don't Run"; "Don't Push". What did the children do? They shout, they push, and they run!!_ Precisely what we don't want them to do.
Why not get them to write, "Talk softly"; Walk slowly"; "Wait patiently", and all the other positive staements.

WAKE UP !! Some of you may have fallen asleep.
Those have not may even have ignored this sample posting.
Best regards to all


keeyanho said...

Absolute truth that I fully agree with! I think it's simply brainwashing or hammering it home ie if you keep harping on DONT's, it gets stuck in their brain and memory; so it's better to harp on the DO's so they'll remember them instead.

Thanks for reminding us, MdNoor.

CheeKiang said...

When I read Noor's Blog, I reflected on the times when I told my children DO NOT DO THIS AND THAT...they must have felt the negativeness in my words.
But now some of you who are grandfathers can make amends to your grandkids...but definitely NOT YES TO EVERYTHING.....hahaha

ken weeteck said...

nothing further than the truth. and that perhaps explain why children becomes retaliatory or simply stay out of the house to avoid all the daily intakes of 'donts'...hehe i may not be the authority but i know how it can be better to be positive in approach.